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Select Query - MySQL
A query is a command that is given to produce certain specified information from the tables.
SELECT command let you make queries on the database. It is the only SQL verb to cause an output to be
displayed on monitor.
Syntax :
select column_name ,[column_name,.......]
from table_name;
Syntax : select column_name ,[column_name,.......] from table_name;
Selecting Columns
To select desired column and view them.
select Name, Class
from Student;
Note : The order of selection determines the order of display.
select Name, Class from Student;
Selecting All Columns
To view complete list of columns as follows
select *
from Student;
select * from Student;
Eliminating redundant data by 'distinct' keyword
It eliminate duplicate rows from the result of a select statement.
select distinct SUPW
from Student;
Note :
- Distinct keyword is applied to the entire row.
- It can be specified only once in select command.
- If clause select multiple rows then it will eliminate all rows which are same.
- Rows in which some values are different and some same will be retained.
select distinct SUPW from Student;
- Distinct keyword is applied to the entire row.
- It can be specified only once in select command.
- If clause select multiple rows then it will eliminate all rows which are same.
- Rows in which some values are different and some same will be retained.
Selecting from all rows using (ALL keyword)
It will give values of mentioned column from every row no matter whether there are duplicate values.
select all SUPW
from Student;
select all SUPW from Student;
Using Column Aliasing
The column that you select in a query can be given different name that is column alias name for output
If you want to extract Age from ClubMembers table and want the name of Age column to be "Age of Members"
then we should write :
select Age as "Age of Members"
from ClubMembers;
select Age as "Age of Members" from ClubMembers;
Selecting specific row using WHERE clause
SQL enables you to define criteria to determine which row are selected for output.
The 'WHERE' clause in select statement specifies the criteria for selection of rows to be returned.
Syntax :
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
select Coach_name, Coach_id
from ClubMembers
where age > 35;
Note :
When 'where' clause is present then the database program goes through the entire table one by one at a
time and examine where the given condition is true and that row is displayed in the output.
Syntax : SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition;
select Coach_name, Coach_id from ClubMembers where age > 35;
Select using LIMIT clause
It closes used to specify the number of records to return. It is useful on large table with a thousands of
record, running a large amount of record can impact performance.
Syntax :
SELECT column_name1, column_name2,......
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
LIMIT number;
select Coach_name, Coach_id
from ClubMembers
where age > 35
limit 2;
Syntax : SELECT column_name1, column_name2,...... FROM table_name WHERE condition LIMIT number;
select Coach_name, Coach_id from ClubMembers where age > 35 limit 2;
Aggregate Functions
1. MIN() :
The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column.
Syntax :
SELECT MIN(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
from ClubMembers;
Syntax : SELECT MIN(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;
SELECT MIN(Age) from ClubMembers;
2. MAX() :
The MAX() function returns the greatest value of the selected column.
Syntax :
SELECT MAX(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
from ClubMembers;
Syntax : SELECT MAX(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;
SELECT MAX(Age) from ClubMembers;
3. SUM() :
The SUM() function returns the total sum of a numeric column.
Syntax :
SELECT SUM(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
select sum(Age)
from ClubMembers;
Syntax : SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;
select sum(Age) from ClubMembers;
4. AVG() :
The AVG() function returns the average value of a numeric column.
Syntax :
SELECT AVG(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
select avg(Age)
from ClubMembers;
Syntax : SELECT AVG(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;
select avg(Age) from ClubMembers;
5. COUNT() :
The COUNT() function returns the number of rows that matches a specified criteria.
Syntax :
SELECT COUNT(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
select count(Coach_name)
from ClubMembers;
Syntax : SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;
select count(Coach_name) from ClubMembers;
The between operator is used to retrieve value based on given range of values.The range includes both lower
upper value
Lets us understand by an example
Write an SQL statment to list the coaches whose age falls between 30 and 40.
select *
from clubMembers
where AGE BETWEEN 30 AND 40;
The operator NOT BETWEEN is jsut the reverse of the BETWEEN operator,that is the row which is not
the specified range of values will be retrieved
Lets us understand by an example
Write an SQL statment to list the coaches whose age does not fall between 30 and 40 from clubMembers Table.
(Click on this link
for insertion and creation of ClubMembers table)
select *
from clubMembers
where AGE NOT BETWEEN 30 AND 40;
select * from clubMembers where AGE BETWEEN 30 AND 40;
select * from clubMembers where AGE NOT BETWEEN 30 AND 40;
IN Operator in Select
Here In operator is used to select the values that matches with the given list of values
Lets us understand by an example
Write an SQL statment to display all the details of students which are in class 7th,8th and 9th from student
(Click on this link
insertion and creation of Student table)
select *
from Student
where Class IN (7,8,9);
select * from Student where Class IN (7,8,9);
Pattern Matching
In SQL,for pattern matching we use LIKE operator,this is string matching operator which is used with WHERE
clause to search for a specified pattern in a columns
Here patterns are described using two special wildcard characters:
- Percent(%)-This represent zero,one,or multiple characters
- Underscore(_)-this represent one,single characters
SELECT col1,col2,....
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern;
Lets us understand by an example
Write Query to display all the names of students whose names starts from "S".Use student table
(Click on this link
insertion and creation of Student table)
select *
from student
where Name LIKE "S%";
SELECT col1,col2,.... FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE pattern;
select * from student where Name LIKE "S%";
Order By Clause
Here ORDER BY clause is used to sort the results or a query in a specified order.It allows sorting of query
results by one or more columns
Sorting can be done either in ascending order and descending order,the default order is ascending.The data
the table is not sorted,only the result that will appear will be sorted
SELECT col1,col2,....
FROM table_name
[WHERE predicate]
[ORDER BY col_name];
Lets us understand by an example
Write Query to display the list of coaches in the alphabetical order of their names.Use clubmembers table
(Click on this link
for insertion and creation of Clubmembers table)
SELECT col1,col2,.... FROM table_name [WHERE predicate] [ORDER BY col_name];