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CLASS 12 ISC - Java Specimen Question Paper 2023
Maximum Marks: 70
Time Allowed: Three hours
(Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper.)
(They must NOT start writing during this time).
Answer all questions in Part I (compulsory) and six questions from Part-II,
choosing two questions from Section-A, two from Section-B and
two from Section-C.
All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as the
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]
(Attempt all questions)
Question 1
The law which states a + (b.c) = (a+b) . (a+c) is:
(a) Associative Law
(b) Distributive Law
(c) Involution Law
(d) Commutative Law
The dual of ( P + P' ) • ( Q + 0 ) = Q is:
(a) P.P’ + Q.1 = Q
(b) P.P’ + Q.0 = Q
(c) P.P + Q.1 = Q’
(d) P+P’ + Q+1 = Q
The complement of the Boolean expression (P·Q)′ + R′ is:
(a) (P+Q).R
(b) PQR
(c) (P’+Q’) .R’
(d) (P’+Q’).R
If ( x => ~y ) then, its inverse will be:
(a) x => y
(b) y => x
(c) ~y => x
(d) ~x => y
Transitive nature of inheritance is implemented through :
(a) Single inheritance
(b) Multiple inheritance
(c) Hybrid inheritance
(d) Multilevel inheritance
Question 2
A matrix N[11][8] is stored in the memory with each element requiring 2 bytes of
storage. If the base address at N[2][3] is 2140, find the address of N[7][5] when the
matrix is stored in Row Major Wise.
With reference to the code given below answer the questions that follow.
void Solve(int n)
{ int a=1,b=1;
for (int i=n;i>0;i=i/10)
{ int d=i%10;
if (d%2==0)
System.out.println(a+" "+b);
(a) What will the function Solve( ) return when the value of n=3269?
(b) What is the method Solve( ) computing?
The following function quiz( ) is a part of some class. Assume ‘n’ is a positive
integer, greater than 0. Answer the given questions along with dry run / working.
int quiz( int n)
if ( n <= 1 )
return n;
return (--n % 2) + quiz(n/10);
(a) What will the function quiz( ) return when the value of n=36922?
(b) State in one line what does the function quiz( ) do, apart from recursion?
(i) Given the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = ∑(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13).
(a) Reduce the above expression by using 4-variable Karnaugh map, showing the
various groups (i.e. octal, quads and pairs).
(b) Draw the logic gate diagram for the reduced expression. Assume that the
variables and their complements are available as inputs.
(ii) Given the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = π(0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15).
(a) Reduce the above expression by using 4-variable Karnaugh map, showing the
various groups(i.e. octal, quads and pairs).
(b) Draw the logic gate diagram for the reduced expression. Assume that the
variables and their complements are available as inputs
(i) A family intends to purchase a smart phone depending on the criteria given
• Quad core processor with internal memory of 64 GB or more but not a
resale phone
• Resale phone with quad core processor but without warranty
• Processor is not a quad core but with a warranty of 1 year and the internal
memory is of 64 GB or more
The inputs are:
P - Quad core processor
M - Internal memory of 64 GB or more
R - Resale phone
W - Warranty of 1 year
(In all the above cases, 1 indicates yes and 0 indicates no.)
Output: X [1 indicates purchased, 0 indicates not purchased for all cases]
Draw the truth table for the inputs and outputs given above and write the SOP
(ii) What is a half adder? Draw the logic circuit for the SUM and CARRY expression
of a half adder using only NAND gates.
(iii) Simplify the following expression using Boolean laws:
F = PQ + ( P + Q ) • ( P + PR ) + Q
(i) What is a decoder? How is it different from a multiplexer? Draw the logic circuit
for a 2 to 4 decoder and explain its working.
(ii) Verify if the following proposition is valid:
( P => Q ) ∧ ( P => R ) = P => ( Q ∧ R )
(iii) Write the maxterm and minterm for the function F(A, B,C,D) when, A=1, B=1,
C=0 and D=1.
(Attempt all questions from this Section.)
Question 6
Design a class Pronic to check if a given number is a pronic number or not. [ A number is said to be pronic if the product of two consecutive numbers is equal to the number]
Example: 0 = 0 × 1
2 = 1 × 2
6 = 2 × 3
12 = 3 × 4
thus, 0, 2, 6, 12... are pronic numbers.
Some of the members of the class are given below
Class name : Pronic
Data members/instance variables:
num : to store a positive integer number
Methods / Member functions:
Pronic( ) : default constructor to initialize the data member with legal initial value
void acceptnum( ) : to accept a positive integer number
boolean ispronic(int v) : returns true if the number ‘num’ is a pronic number, otherwise returns false using recursive technique
void check( ) : checks whether the given number is a pronic number by invoking the function ispronic() and displays the result with an appropriate message
Specify the class Pronic giving details of the constructor( ), void acceptnum( ),
boolean ispronic(int) and void check( ). Define a main( ) function to create an object and call the functions accordingly to enable the task
Design a class OddEven to arrange two single dimensional arrays into one single
dimensional array, such that the odd numbers from both the arrays are at the beginning
followed by the even numbers.
Example: Array 1: { 2, 13, 6, 19, 26, 11, 4 }
Array 2: { 7, 22, 4, 17, 12, 45 }
Arranged Array = { 13, 19 11, 7, 17, 45, 2, 6, 26, 4, 22, 4, 12 }
Some of the members of the class are given below:
Class name : OddEven
Data members/instance variables:
a[ ] : to store integers in the array
m : integer to store the size of the array
Methods / Member functions:
OddEven(int mm) : parameterised constructor to initialize the data member m=mm
void fillarray( ) : to enter integer elements in the array
OddEven arrange(OddEven P, OddEven Q ) : stores the odd numbers from both the parameterized object arrays followed by the even numbers from both the arrays and returns the object with the arranged array
void display( ) : displays the elements of the arranged array
Specify the class OddEven giving details of the constructor( ), void fillarray( ),
OddEven arrange(OddEven, OddEven) and void display( ). Define a main( ) function to
create objects and call the functions accordingly to enable the task.
A class Encrypt has been defined to replace only the vowels in a word by the next
corresponding vowel and forms a new word. i.e. A → E, E → I, I → O, O → U and U → A
Example: Input: COMPUTER
Some of the members of the class are given below:
Class name : Encrypt
Data members/instance variables:
wrd : to store a word
len : integer to store the length of the word
newwrd : to store the encrypted word
Methods / Member functions:
Encrypt( ) : default constructor to initialize data members with legal initial values
void acceptword( ) : to accept a word in UPPER CASE
void freqvowcon( ) : finds the frequency of the vowels and consonants in the word stored in ‘wrd’ and displays them with an appropriate message
void nextVowel( ) : replaces only the vowels from the word stored in ‘wrd’ by the next corresponding vowel and assigns it to ‘newwrd’, with the remaining alphabets unchanged
void disp( ) : Displays the original word along with the encrypted word
Specify the class Encrypt giving details of the constructor( ), void acceptword( ),
void freqvowcon( ), void nextVowel( ) and void disp( ). Define a main( ) function to
create an object and call the functions accordingly to enable the task.
Holder is a kind of data structure which can store elements with the restriction that an element can be added from the rear end and removed from the front end only.
The details of the class Holder is given below:
Class name : Holder
Data members/instance variables:
Q[ ] : array to hold integers
cap : maximum capacity of the holder
front : to point the index of the front end
rear : to point the index of the rear end
Methods / Member functions:
Holder(int n ) : constructor to initialize cap=n, front= 0 and rear=0
void addint( int v ) : to add integers in the holder at the rear end if
possible, otherwise display the message “ HOLDER IS FULL ”
int removeint( ) : removes and returns the integers from the front end of the holder if any, else returns −999
void show( ) : displays the elements of the holder
Specify the class Holder giving details of the functions void addint(int) and int
removeint( ). Assume that the other functions have been defined.
The main( ) function and algorithm need NOT be written
A super class Bank has been defined to store the details of the customer in a bank. Define a subclass Interest to calculate the compound interest.
The details of the members of both the classes are given below:
Class name : Bank
Data members/instance variables:
name : to store the name of the customer
acc_no : integer to store the account number
principal : to store the principal amount in decimals
Methods / Member functions:
Bank( ... ) : parameterized constructor to assign values to the
data members
void display( ) : to display the customer details
Class name :Interest
Data members/instance variables:
rate : to store the interest rate in decimals
time : to store the time period in decimals
Methods / Member functions:
Interest( ... ) : parameterized constructor to assign values to the
data members of both the classes
double calculate( ) : to calculate and return the compound interest using the formula [ CI = P ( 1 + R/100 )N − P] where, P is the principal, R is the rate and N is the time
void display( ) : to display the customer details along with the
compound interest
Assume that the super class Bank has been defined. Using the concept of inheritance,
specify the class Interest giving the details of the constructor(...), double calculate( ) and void display( ).
The super class, main function and algorithm need NOT be written.
(i) A linked list is formed from the objects of the class:
class Node
int num;
Node next;
Write an Algorithm OR a Method to insert a node at the beginning of an existing
linked list.
The method declaration is as follows:
void InsertNode( Nodes starPtr, int n )
(ii) Answer the following questions from the diagram of a Binary Tree given below:
(a) Write the in-order traversal of the above tree structure.
(b) Name the children of the nodes B and G.
(c) State the root of the right sub tree.

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