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Class 11 CBSE - Python Dictionary Programs
Python is designed to understand the user’s responsibility, the protocol, and the ethical issues related to the field of computing.
Python in class 11 for cbse is very handy when it comes to practice on computers but for the beginers there might be some errors and problems such as exception. But it's always advisable to practice program on computer than writing it on paper because it cherishes your practical skills , knowledge and typing speed and you'll come to know new things and if you want to be a software developer someday then its a must call for you.
Program 1: Write a program to input two dictionaries and combine both dictionary values of common keys

def combine(): dic={"x":300,"y":200,"z":100} dict1={"y":100,"x":300,"z":500} dict3={} for i in dict1: if i in dic: dict3[i]=dic[i]+ dict1[i] return dict3 #calling method dict=combine() print("Combining two values in dictionary is:",dict)
Program 2: Write a program to input a dictionary and print keys with maximum and minimum values

def maxmin(): max=0 min=999 dic={"One":1,"Ten":10,"Zero":0,"Nine":9,"Eleven":11} for i in dic: if (dic[i]> max): max=dic[i] elif (dic [i] < min): min=dic[i] print("Maximum value in the dictionary is:",max) print("Minimum value in the dictionary is:",min) #calling method maxmin()
Program 3: Write a program in dictionary where keys are numbers from 1 to 20 and values are square of these keys

#method for squaring key values def squaring(): dic={} for number in range(1,21): dic[number]=number**2 return dic #method calling new_dict=squaring() print("Output is",new_dict)
Program 4: Write a program to input a dictionary and multiply all the key values present in dictionary

#method to multiply all the items in dictionary def multiply(): res=1 dict={"ele1":12,"ele2":15,"ele3":20,"ele4":40,"ele5":30} for i in dict: res=res * dict[i] return res #method calling a=multiply() print ("Multiplication of all the items in a dictionary is:",a)
Program 5: Write a program to enter roll number,names and marks of 5 students and display the name of students who have marks above 90 in computer

#Details of students students={} for i in range(5): print("Enter details of student number ",(i+1)) rno=int(input("Roll No:")) name=input("Name:") marks=int(input("Marks in Computer:")) students[i+1]=[name,marks] print("Dictionary of 5 students is") print(students) #students who have scored highest marks in computer more than 90 for stu in students: if students[stu][1]>75: print(students[stu][0])