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Write a programme to declare a matrix A[][] of order M x N where M is the number of rows and N is the number of
columns such that both M and N must be greater than 2 and less than 20 allow the user
to input in integers into this matrix perform the following task on the matrix display the input matrix
Find the maximum and minimum value in the matrix and display them along with their position
Sort the element of the matrix in a sending order using any standard sorting technique
and rearrange them in the matrix.
Entered values : 8,7,9,3,-2,0,4,5,1,3,6,-4
Original Matrix :
8 7 9 3
-2 0 4 5
1 3 6 -4
largest number : 9
Row : 0
Column : 2
Smallest number : -4
Row = 2