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NIC institute's Resource manager has decided to network the computer resources like printer storagemediathat minimum resource and maximum sharing could be availedaccordingly printers are linked to a centralised system and the printing jobs are done on a first come first served basis only this is like the first person's printing job will get done first and the next person job will Bdone as the next job in the list and so on in order to avoid collision the restriction is that no more than 20 printing jobs can be added.
Define a class PrintJob with the following details:
Class name PrintJob
Data members :
job[] Array of integers to hold the printing jobs
Newjob To add a new printing job into the array
Capacity maximum capacity of the integer array
Front To point to the index of the Front
Rear To point to the index of the last
Member Functions
PrintJobs() Constructor to initialise the data member capacity 20
Front = Rear = 1 and Call the function createJob()
voidcreateJob() To create an array to hold the printing PrintJobs
voidaddJob() Adds the new printing job to the end of the last printing job if
possible otherwise displays the message print job is full cannot add anymore
voidremoveJob() - Remove the printing job from the front if the printing job
is not empty otherwise displays the message paint job is empty
Also write the main function

import java.util.*; public class PrintJob { int job[]; int newjob,capacity,front,rear; PrintJob(){ capacity=20; newjob=0; front=rear=1; job=new int[20]; } void createJob() { } void addJob() { if(rear == capacity-1) { System.out.println("Printjob is full,cannot add any more"); } else if (front == 1) { front=rear=2; job[rear]=newjob; } else { job[++rear]=newjob; } } void removeJob() { if(rear == 0) { System.out.println("Printjob is empty"); } else if(front == rear) { front=rear=1; } else { ++front; } } public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner sc=new Scanner(; PrintJob obj=new PrintJob(); int ch=0,n; do{ System.out.println("Menu \n1.Insert Job ID\n2.Delete Job ID\n3.Exit"); System.out.println("Enter your choice"); ch=sc.nextInt(); switch(ch) { case 1: System.out.println("Enter Job ID"); obj.newjob=sc.nextInt(); obj.addJob(); break; case 2: obj.removeJob(); break; case 3: System.out.println("Your are now is exiting"); System.exit(0); break; default: System.out.println("Invalid choice"); break; } }while(true); } }